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Rey Bajenting is a professional roosterman, having been a handler, conditioner in his younger days, he is now a breeder.

He is also a writer. He had been a newspaperman, PR practitioner and Public Affairs Consultant. He had worked as Legislative Staff Chief in Congress, Consultant to the Governor of Cebu, and Executive Assistant at the |Office of the Executive Secretary in Malacanang.

Enjoy game fowl raising without spending too much

Save! Save! Save! Cockfighting is enjoyable as long as it does not hurt the pocket. It is a sport. Yes. But it could become a vice if one habitually spends more than he ought to spend on cockfighting or game fowl raising.

Some items are more expensive because they are meant to be marketed as such. Like signature brands, they are appealing to the ego.

Some game fowls are cheap because they are really cheap. On the other hand there are expensive game fowls that don’t have to be that expensive. There are as high quality fowl for less cost. Finding them is good Chickenomics.

On the other extreme, be wary of cheap merchandise. Garbage is always cheap.

The idea of not over spending on anything is sound. Cockfighting and game fowl raising are not exceptions. Many years ago I wrote an article on “Chickenomics.” Here it is:

I’ve been receiving numerous comments and questions why in my columns, blogs, write ups, books, seminars and advices I always recommend the use of affordable type of feeds instead of premium ones. For example pegion pellets, with a little grains and BSC to balance the protein, instead of stag developers or hi protein conditioners. Well, my answer is always that raising or fighting chickens should also be governed by economics. Sound economics that is.

We should always take into consideration the value of anything we do. What is the cost and the corresponding benefit. Thus, we factor in the difference in the cost and the difference in the benefit.

In the case of feeds, branded premium feeds such as stag developers, breeders’ pellets and hi-protein conditioners, are much more expensive, but with little difference in benefits. The reason is marketing related. A very substantial portion in the difference between the price of “premium” gamefowl feed and the price of the ordinary chicken feed constitutes the maker’s additional expense for packaging and advertising and has little to do with improved feed quality.

Another reason may be that companies may have also taken advantage of the chicken lover’s urge to provide his beloved fowl anything that is perceived to give it some advantage over the opponent. More expensive feeds and supplements are perceived by most as more advantageous. But this is not really the case. Some items are more expensive because they are meant to be marketed as such. Like signature brands in the fashion world.

It is also true in prices of game fowl. Some known breeders sell their chickens at very high prices, but it does not necessarily mean that their chickens are much better than all the others. Otherwise, they should have dominated sabong. See? Up to now no body yet has dominated sabong to that extent.

Cockfighting is a sport, it is enjoyable as long as it is affordable. Of course, the word affordable is relative. What is not affordable to us ordinary sabungeros might be affordable to them the elites. At any rate my advices are always meant for those who need or want to save.

Those who do not need or want to save, then go ahead, at any rate you are helping the game fowl industry. You are the bread and butter of the companies.











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