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Rey Bajenting is a professional roosterman, having been a handler, conditioner in his younger days, he is now a breeder.

He is also a writer. He had been a newspaperman, PR practitioner and Public Affairs Consultant. He had worked as Legislative Staff Chief in Congress, Consultant to the Governor of Cebu, and Executive Assistant at the |Office of the Executive Secretary in Malacanang.

Bloodlines that withstand test of time

Only through competing in actual fights that one can learn. And, only by learning that one can teach. In the Philippines it is not a problem as thousands of fights are held everyday, every where. Learn real breeding. 42,000 students are now studying for free at Online Manok Academy.

Bloodlines would come and go. But an elite few would remain as all-time favorites, not just for decades, but for centuries. Because these bloodlines possess distinct traits that they are prepotent of, and thus they could pass on to succeeding generations. These bloodlines carry with them not only essential wild type traits to chicken, but also traits that are mandatory addition for gamefowl.

Mandatory addition traits are added by good breeders to enable the gamefowl to function and perform the purpose of its domestication, which is to excel in the pit.

Among these bloodlines are hatch and mug. Because an authentic hatch and mug, meaning those possessing the bloodline characteristics of the hatch and mug, have distinct traits of which it is always prepotent of.

Among the traits the hatch is famous of are power, gameness and endurance. While the mug has speed, agility and alertness in its favor. The hatch possesses mandatory addition traits, while the mug’s fighting characteristics are influenced by essential wild type traits.

Thee are only three classes of traits that influence fighting ability of gamefowl, namely; essential wild type, improvable wild type, and mandatory addition. Knowing these classes of traits and where to get them, whether from the father, mother or both, will make breeding the gamefowl easier for you.

Photo: Blakliz of RB Sugbo . . . .

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