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Rey Bajenting is a professional roosterman, having been a handler, conditioner in his younger days, he is now a breeder.

He is also a writer. He had been a newspaperman, PR practitioner and Public Affairs Consultant. He had worked as Legislative Staff Chief in Congress, Consultant to the Governor of Cebu, and Executive Assistant at the |Office of the Executive Secretary in Malacanang.

How to find the right proportion of Peruvian blood in your bloodline

What was the idea behind the Perubliz?

The idea was to form variation strains of the Blakliz with Peruvian blood.

When it comes to our form of fighting, the Peruvian has some glaring defects, but it also possesses qualities that can make the American game deadlier.

Yes, there are numerous defects in the Peruvian that we have to watch out.

Note that the Peruvian Navajero is designed for fighting under different set of rules than ours. The breeders in Peru neglected some traits that are unnecessary to their kind of fighting, but very important to ours.

Nonetheless, I believe that the Peruvian can yet improve the American game more than the asil did.

I believe as originator of the Blakliz, that the Peruvian can yet improve the Blakliz. It is just a matter of knowing the assets and liabilities of the Peruvian. Which among the traits in the Peruvian we need and which we have to discard. Then choosing the right Peruvian. Finally, by repeatedly breeding in more and more of the good traits and less and less of the bad ones.

To us the present composition of the Perubliz is better for breeding than for fighting. The present Perubliz possesses the best traits of the Peruvian like manner of cutting and explosive power but it still shows traces, though only small traces, of the Peruvian bad traits. Maybe one more crossing with a good American line or in my case with the Blakliz, will produce excellent fighters.

That is why we have set the current 5/8-3/8 blend as a strain for we can use this strain with such composition, in producing future variations of the Perubliz or the Blakliz for that matter that are more suited for fighting.

Recently we have tested the present Perubliz the result was good with 2 wins and a draw and we are convinced that another cross the Blakliz or other compatible bloodlines in our pool will do the trick.

As of now we are reminding those who have acquired Perubliz pairs and trios that the present Perubliz is more of for breeding, as they are inbred, and, also, if mated among themselves, they will produce inbred offspring that are likewise better for breeding than for fighting.

To review upgrading is the introduction of new bloodlines that are deemed better than our existing ones. Infusion is the breeding in of a new blood and then slowly breeding it out. The difference between upgrading and infusion is that in a series of upgrading the old bloodline will eventually be phased out, while in infusion the object is to restore the old bloodline with a little change in the genetic composition.

When we put in the Peruvian blood in the Blakliz to produce the Perubliz our intention was more of infusion, than anything else. Actually, half way between blend and infusion. Yes neither plain blend nor plain infusion. To me a blend is when both bloodlines or all bloodlines involved are kept at significant proportion. Infusion is when the new bloodline is practically bred out to negligible proportion.

In the case of Perubliz, we don’t intend to practically breed out the Peruvian blood as in plain infusion. However, we don’t intend to keep it significant like in plain blend. In the Perubliz we intend to keep a much smaller amount of Peruvian blood than the Blakliz. The present composition of the Perubliz is 5/8 Blakliz 3/8 Peruvian but we intend to reduce the Peruvian blood further, maybe to 1/8. This will be neither substantial nor negligible. Technically, though, this could be called either infusion or blend.












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