Variety by design

Breeders usually breed for uniformity. The better the breeder the less the variations. In setting a bloodline you have to avoid unintentional variations.
However in a bloodline varieties by design are allowed but not variations by default. Yes because, some good breeders ,at times, aim for variations.
For example the Blakliz 2020 comes in two variants. A single pair, or trio, or a yard of BL 2020 may produce black and black grey offspring. We also have another line of Blakliz we call Blakliz Plus. It is Blakliz with a little blue face blood in it. It sometimes throws offspring that are hatch looking reds. These Blakliz lines are designed to do such. Not due to default by negligence or ignorance.
Default by negligence or ignorance is when certain variations occured, that the breeder, who may lack knowledge in genetics, didn’t intend and couldn’t explain. But there are lines that really produce variations by designed.
For example the American Mugs may produce three varieties—the black, blue and splash, or what is called BBS in breeding parlance.
Even the great Col, Madigin produced two variants from one line—the Madigin red or claret and the Madigin grey.
An example in the Philippines was the Aguirre grey. The grey of the late Mayor Juancho Aguirre was known to throw offpsring that are hatch looking that the late Mayor also developed into a separate family.
Sometimes, good breeders deviate from the usual aim of uniformity in a bloodline. They decide to go for variants. The reason is they want to keep genetic diversity in their bloodlines.
But variation due to default (kakulangan) by ignorance or lack of knowledge by the breeder is another thing. There are times that a breeder expect to produce all grey offspring but there are reds. In this case, it is not the intention, it is just because the breeder did not know that his grey broodfowl are actually hiding red genes because they are heterozygous grey and red, and grey is dominant over red, thus they look just grey. What happened was not planned.
However, variation by design are planned for some reasons. A most common reasons is when an observant breeder finds out that per his experience, a particular bloodline of his produces better offspring if these offspring are in two or three varieties. At times, the opposite could happen. A keen breeder may find out that a particular bloodline produces better offspring if they are uniformed and only in one variety.
In our case, For almost two decades of developing the Blakliz, we seldom come out with all black blakliz generations. Because, we observed that the dual variety Blakliz such as the midnight grey that comes in black grey and black, and the Blakliz plus that comes in black and red are the better performers. We sacrificed uniformity in looks for stability of fighting traits.
For hybridization or the wonders of diversity you may read Ebook or listen to Audio Book “Synergy: create your own better breed." Enrol with Advanced Breeding Academy. Send message to RBS Premium on FB for details on how to enrol.