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Rey Bajenting is a professional roosterman, having been a handler, conditioner in his younger days, he is now a breeder.

He is also a writer. He had been a newspaperman, PR practitioner and Public Affairs Consultant. He had worked as Legislative Staff Chief in Congress, Consultant to the Governor of Cebu, and Executive Assistant at the |Office of the Executive Secretary in Malacanang.

Gamefowl nutrition

What is Gamefowl nutrition?

Gamefowl nutrition is poultry nutrition that relates to physical performance of the rooster. Yes it deals with vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, supplements and organic substances yet it concerns mostly with the type of nutrients that will improve the physical fitness of the rooster. Similar to human sports ergogenic aids, Warhawk nutrition is designed to improve physical performance.

Gamefowl nutrition is more focused on proper anabolism and metabolism. From foundation nutrition to blood conditioning and oxygenation and up to energy boosting necessary for physical activity.

Nutrition completes genetics

The traditional thinking is that the capabilities of a rooster are set in the breeding pen. Meaning it is set by genetics. It is only partly true. Aside from Genetics, Environment and Nutrition (GEN factor) also play important roles. The roosters genetic capabilities will only reach full potential through right rearing and superb nutrition.

Availability of ready feeds and supplements in the market has made the task of rooster feeding, nowadays, simple and easy. Of course, not really that easy because one still has to understand the basics of nutrition, be able to decide intelligently what he wants for his roosters. After which, he has to find the right product in the market.

Foundation Nutrition

Foundation nutrition is designed to ensure that the rooster’s system is ready to absorb and utilize the nutrients necessary for optimum performance. Providing foundation nutrition is the first step to proper conditioning. Otherwise, all the special nutrients provided during conditioning may just go to waste.

Foundation nutrition will set the stage for the roosters body to absorb efficiently the nutrients for specific goals such as general well being, anabolism, blood conditioning, oxygen circulation and energy boosting. Foundation nutrition will increase nutrients bio availability, absorption and utilization. Every sound conditioning should begin with sound foundation nutrition.

Anabolic nutrition

Functions of nutrition includes muscle and tissue building. In order for the body to function at full physical capacity, muscles and tissues must be build up through what is called the anabolic condition. And, in order for the body to experience an anabolic state, it must consume energy, lots of it. Nutritious feeds and supplement enable muscle tissue to build up and store said energy. Anabolism leads the body into achieving fitness. In addition to proper nutrients, exercise is likewise important to anabolism.

Nutrition for Blood conditioning and oxygenation

Blood conditioning means to help blood perform its functions that are related to better performance of the rooster. One function of blood is to supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Blood also enables hormones and other substances to be transported between tissues and organs. Blood is also involved in maintaining homeostasis by acting as a medium for transferring heat to the skin.

Stuff that aid in conditioning the blood are B complex, B 12, iron, substances that promotes development of the oxygen carrier hemoglobin for more effective flow of blood and to release heat to maintain proper body temperature during activity. Physical action produces heat. In humans prevention of overheating occurs by transfer of heat to the skin by vasodilation of the skin heat circulatory system, and by the cooling effect of evaporation of sweat. Roosters do not have sweat glands. They cool the body by vasodilation and evaporation through breathing or panting.Good and balance nutrition is important for these functions.

Better energy

Nutrition is the study of metabolism. Metabolism consists of catabolism or how the body breaks food down and anabolism or how the body repairs and creates cells and tissue. Catabolism and anabolism equals metabolism.

Nutritional science also examines how the body responds to food. Thus, diets for all types of chickens must be formulated to provide all of the nutrient requirements may it be for optimum growth or maximum production or physical performance.

In the case of gamefowl, the energy requirement is higher as gamefowl are athletic, and are constantly encouraged to be active at the same time develop fresh and muscles necessary to sustain acctivity.

The role of supplementation

Rooster conditioning consists of nutrition and exercise. A supplement is something added to the diet, usually to make up for a nutritional deficiency. Supplementation just serves as the link that will fit nutrition to the requirements of exercise. Supplementation also acts as the gear that shifts from one stage of conditioning to another. But first and foremost is the quality of the main feed or nutrition. Good feed formulation is pre-requisite.

With good nutrition, shifting from one stage of conditioning—maintenance to pre con to conditioning proper and pointing—is made smooth and easy.

Include greens and vegies in the gamefowl’ diet

Good nutrtition supports good health. Provide roosters with good feed formulation, like Warhawk nutrition, and also with plenty of fresh grass, fruits and vegetables, which are naturally detoxifying.

Herbs, such as onions, garlic, malunggay and all the veggies in the cruciferous family (broccoli, kale, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) are known to help detoxify environmental toxins, including antibiotics drugs and chemicals. Garlic has sulfur-containing compounds that activate liver enzymes that work to flush out any toxins that might be in the system.

Vegetables are also an excellent source of fiber, which helps toxins to move through your digestive tract, reducing stress on the system.

Pellets and grains

In battlecock nutrition the nutrients are to be provided by two types of feed formulations—the pellets and the grain mix or grain concentrates.

Pelleting was introduced into Europe about 1920 and into the U.S. feed industry in the late 1920's (Schoeff, 1994). Its popularity has grown steadily until about 80% of all feed. are currently pelleted. Today, the process is widely used because of both the physical and the nutritional benefits it provides. The physical benefits include improved ease of handling, reduced ingredient segrega-tion, less feed wastage, and increased bulk density.

Grains on the other hand are seldom use in feeding chickens other than gamefowl. In gamefowl nutrition, grains are important and play its own role. Grains are mixed with pellets to provide fiber or roughage. Grains are important to rooster conditioning as correct blend between certain pellets with certain grains will result in ideal body conformation.

Enrol with Advanced Gamefowl Academy. RBS Premium on FB or text 09177169860.

Registration remains at P900, instead of P1,800. For free pdf booklet click here.










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