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Rey Bajenting is a professional roosterman, having been a handler, conditioner in his younger days, he is now a breeder.

He is also a writer. He had been a newspaperman, PR practitioner and Public Affairs Consultant. He had worked as Legislative Staff Chief in Congress, Consultant to the Governor of Cebu, and Executive Assistant at the |Office of the Executive Secretary in Malacanang.

Understand first what a good gamefowl is, before you can create one

Everybody talks of a good gamefowl. Everybody has his own idea of a good gamefowl. But what really is a good gamefowl and why? We have to scientifically dissect what is a superior gamefowl and the whys behind how it came into being.

To plain cockers and gamblers a good gamefowl is a gamefowl that wins. They will simply ask, if a bloodline has won in the World Slasher Cup and other big events. Many small-time gamblers or common sabungeros follow suit and set this as their standard too, although they themselves do not have the capability to join such events. To a peddler, a good gamefowl is a gamefowl that will sell for good profit. That is why these type of gamefowl producers just replicate famous bloodlines and advertise they have pure F1s and seed fowl of such and such. They don’t even bother to check the real meaning of pure, F1 and seed fowl. In fact some don’t acquire genuine materials, they simply drop bloodline names.

However, there are indeed scientific reasons why a game fowl is good. But only a serious breeder will bother to study these elements so he can consistently breed based on these scientific principles

The elements of a good gamefowl are substance form and function. Substance is the genotype. Form is the phenotype. Function is fighting ability and pre-potency. The three, in their best perspective, make the elements of a good gamefowl. A fine gamefowl is like a work of art in form, founded on sound genetics in substance, and very efficient in function. So a true breeder will work and aim for superior substance, form and function in his own bloodlines. These three though are highly correlated.

Understanding substance

Genotype consists of the whole genetic composition of the chicken. Half of this composition came from the father, half from the mother. Every gene is composed of versions of this gene, called alleles, from the rooster and from the hen. However, when the version from the father is put together with the version from the matter the expression in that particular gene or trait may not be the same in all the offspring. It is because of different genetic interactions such as dominant/recessive/; homozygous/heterozygous; sex-linked and others.

The substance of the gamefowl are comprised of all the genes, both those which can be seen and those which cannot be seen. Those that can be seen constitute the phenotype.

Understanding form

Form is phenoytype. And, phenotype consists of the observable traits. Those that can be seen. For example comb type, plumage color, leg color, station and body conformation. Traits that can be observed. We can judge a potentially good game fowl by its form. Examples of excellent form are sound body conformation, good station, great balance and nice gait. And of course, Excellent form also means efficient body parts such as legs, wings, eyes and others.

Understanding function

Different types of chicken have different functions. Broilers are designed to produce better meat. Layers to lay more eggs. For gamefowl it is fighting ability that is most important. It is the primary function of the gamefowl. Therefore, the ability to pass these desirable traits to its offspring is also a very important function of the gamefowl in order to produce excellent gamefowl generation after generation. A first-rate gamefowl must have appropriate form and fine substance. The quality of the gamefowl’s form and substance determines the efficiency of its function.

Fighting ability and prepotency are the functions of gamefowl. A prepotent fowl is a fowl which genotype is pure or with fixed desirable traits. To gamefowl breeders a seed fowl is a good brood fowl, a prepotent fowl, meaning pure of or heavy with desirable traits, even if it is not pure of bloodline name.

If you want to create a good gamefowl then, first you have to understand what a good gamefowl is.








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