Seed fowl

A seed fowl is the fowl with which you started a breeding program. But there is another meaning to the term seed fowl. To gamefowl breeders a seed fowl is supposed to be a good brood fowl. Just like a good seed that grows into a good fruit bearing tree. Therefore, a seed fowl should be a prepotent fowl.
However, some breeders abuse the term seed fowl. They pass to buyers just any inbred individual as seed fowl at higher cost, because it is a seed fowl, inbred and pure.
Is a brood cock pure of a bloodline name a seed fowl, then?
Could be, but not necessarily. There are pure of bloodline names that are not prepotent, thus, not a seed fowl.
Of course there are pure kelsos or hatches that are seed fowl. However, in such cases, it is not because that they are pure kelso or pure hatch, but because the breeders saw to it that they are heavy with the desired traits. There are individuals pure of a bloodline name but not pure of particular desired traits.
Therefore, these individuals are not seed fowl for these traits. On the other hand, an individual pure or heavy with a certain trait is a seed fowl for that trait, regardless this individual is pure of a bloodline or not; or an in-breed or a cross.