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Rey Bajenting is a professional roosterman, having been a handler, conditioner in his younger days, he is now a breeder.

He is also a writer. He had been a newspaperman, PR practitioner and Public Affairs Consultant. He had worked as Legislative Staff Chief in Congress, Consultant to the Governor of Cebu, and Executive Assistant at the |Office of the Executive Secretary in Malacanang.

Elements of a good game fowl


Form, substance and function are the elements of a good game fowl. Form is the phenotype. Substance is the genotype. Function is fighting ability and pre-potency.

Phenotype consists of the observable traits. Those that can be seen. For example comb type, plumage color, leg color, station and body conformation. We can judge a potentially good game fowl by its form. Examples of excellent form are sound body conformation, good station, great balance and nice gait.

Genotype consists of the whole genetic composition of the chicken both those which can be seen and those which cannot be seen. Examples of those which cannot be seen are recessive traits. For example the phenotype of the chicken is grey in plumage color, but its genotype actually carries genes for red plumage color. Now since, red is recessive to grey, only grey will manifest in the phenotype. If you will breed this chicken it may not breed true to form, it may produce red offspring because of its real substance.

Fighting ability is the most important function of game fowl. Another important function is the ability to pass to its off spring good traits or pre-potency. A pre-potent fowl is a fowl which genotype is pure or heavy with desirable traits.

Some of the desirable fighting traits are cutting ability, gameness, intelligence, agility and speed. Although, not yet entirely proven, our hypothesis is that some of these traits, particularly the wild type ones, are dominant. And, our experiment in the past years tend to lead to a positive conclusion.

Gamefowl Breeding = chicken sense plus genetics

Lots of chicken sense and some understanding of genetics; game fowl breeders need both.

Chicken sense is developed from excellent practical knowledge about the game fowl’. While genetics is the study of how traits are inherited.

Game fowl breeding does not require formal study on genetics. Nonetheless, while you don’t have to be experts on genetics, ample knowledge of the science is essential because, all the same, genetics is important to breeding.

Likewise, chicken sense is necessary because fighting ability is most important, yet science has not defined the genetics behind it. This is where chicken sense and experience are indispensable.

The goal of genetics in game fowl is to produce desirable characteristics. Breeders mate the best cocks to the best hens to fix the traits they desire and produce the offspring they want most.

Ideally, every generation will be better than the previous and the offspring will be better than either parent. Over dominance should always be the aim.








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