What is a seed fowl?

Is a pure brood cock a seed fowl? Could be, but not necessarily. Actually it depends on what you mean by the word pure. Pure of a bloodline? Or pure of some traits? If pure of a bloodline, yes it could be a seed fowl, but not necessarily. If pure of some traits, yes it is a seed fowl for those traits.
Is that pure? This is an often asked question by buyers of breeding materials. The word pure is often used to describe purity of bloodline such as pure possum sweater or pure Sanford yellow legged hatch or pure Travis Clark kelso. Most likely buyers also think of pure as invariably an inbred individual.
There is another meaning of the word pure that is pure of a trait or characteristic. Example of this is a pure straight comb. We may have a pure straight comb rooster even if it is a cross between a lemon and a hatch. Therefore, you may also have a rooster much heavy in characteristics that cause it to be strong, even if this rooster is a cross, not pure of a breed.
Pure, meaning pure of a bloodline, is an overrated word in game fowl breeding. We always ask for pure when, what we really need is a seed fowl. There is no guarantee that an individual that is pure in bloodline, say pure kelso, is a good seed fowl, regardless how inbred it is. A seed fowl is a fowl designed to pass on to offspring some desirable traits. A good seed fowl is an individual that is pre-potent for these desirable traits. A seed fowl can be a pure of a bloodline or a blend; an in-bred or a crossbred. It doesn’t matter as long as it has great chances of passing the desired traits to the offspring.
Of course there are pure Travis Clark Kelsos or Sanford YLHs that are seed fowl. However, in such cases, it is not because that they are pure Clark kelsos or pure Sanford YLHs, but because the breeders saw to it that they are heavy with the desired traits. This explains the opening statement that an individual pure of a bloodline could be a seed fowl, but not necessarily. There are individuals pure of a bloodline name but not pure of particular desired traits. Therefore, these individuals are not seed fowl for these traits. On the other hand, an individual pure or heavy with a certain trait is a seed fowl for that trait, regardless this individual is pure of a bloodline or not; or an in-breed or a cross.
Alright, a seed fowl is pure or designed to be pure of desired traits, not just pure of a bloodline name.