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The way of nature


About a decade ago we at RB Sugbo Gamefowl Technology toyed with the idea that the natural and/or organic way is a good way of raising game fowl.

During the first five years progress was somewhat slow, in the absence of readily available organic products. We had to formulate our own, thus, the quality was inconsistent.

In 2011-2012, a company distributing prebiotics/probiotics products manufactured in Thailand, tasked us to conduct a trial of its products which were then new to the Philippine game fowl market.

The arrangement enabled us to further our own program. Since then, we augmented our studies and experimentations on natural and/or organic methods of raising game fowl which we called Rooster Biotechnology.

During the period 2012 to the present, findings of our studies, and our recent successes in raising and fighting the game fowl reinforced, if not confirmed our belief that natural and/or organic methods of raising the game fowl is indeed very feasible.

We are now confident that our Rooster Biotechnology can produce as good if not better warriors. This confidence is boosted by the entry to the market of several organic, natural and herbal products for the game fowl. Many of these products are from India. Of course, we know how advanced the development of herbal medicine and supplements in India is.

Whereas, in the past, products tested and tried by RB Sugbo for its Rooster Biotech were mainly probiotics, at the time this was written a range of natural and herbal products of different sort for different applications had been experimented.

Now we, the Filipino game fowl raisers got everything we need for raising our champions the way of nature.

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Premium Bloodlines
Click images below for details

What will be the standards

of the fighting rooster

of the future?


The Peruvian is getting popular in the Philippines. It is a different kind of rooster. It is much bigger, much taller, much stronger, although not necessarily better than the American Game fowl.


Definitely the Peruvian game fowl will change the standards of the future. In some instances it will tremendously improve the present bloodlines. On the other hand it could also ruin many good bloodlines of today.


The Peruvian has a couple of good traits vital to winning Long Knife fights. But it also has more bad traits. Finding out which are good and which are bad is the challenge.


We think just enough Peruvian blood is good. Too much Peruvian blood is bad.


We are trying to balance it out. Check out the PERUBLIZ.



Recent Posts

The Blakliz is doing good. Indeed, the Blakliz had helped Jimmy Camposano win both the EVGBA and Federation of International Gamefowl Breeders Association (FIGBA formerly NFGB) Breeder of the Year awards. But, we have to anticipate the standards of the future.

Thus we have our premium bloodlines, the Perubliz, blend of Peruvian and Blakliz and the Shuffler Blakliz, blend of Doyle Watson Shuffler and Blakliz.

Click here. 

RB Sugbo Premium Bloodlines: Your bets for tougher challenges ahead. (View video slide show.)

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