What's a good cutting rooster

Cutting ability is the ability to deliver blows that kill quickly.
Detecting a good cutting rooster is easier said than done. Even experts will not be 100% sure of a rooster's cutting ability until fight time when it actually carries the knife. But there are indicators.
A good cutting cock delivers with fully extended feet. This is to take advantage of reach and to inflict a more penetrating wound. It hits the target deliberately and with impact to cause the most damage. Impact can be felt by the handler during hand spars.
A good cutter does not fold its leg fully after delivering a punch in order to deliver another. Meaning, it can deliver multiple cuts in a shorter span of time with superior speed, thus with better chances of beating the opponent to the draw.
A good rooster cuts at the end of the blow not at the start of the pull. A good cut has power, is snappy and with much impact on contact.
Cutting ability is not solely in the bloodline. Cutting ability is in fact dictated by three factors: genetic, psychological and physical.
Yes, good cutting is bred into the chicken. There are bloodlines that are real good cutters. It is in their genes. However, mental state and physical condition also affect cutting ability.
When a cock is not in good mental state, when not properly focused or when its mind is not fully concentrated on the fight, it may lose its ability to cut, as it may be thinking of other things rather than killing its opponent.
Physical conditioning is also very important. A muscle-bound cock or one with poor muscle coordination, could not cut as well. This is also true with cocks not in their right weight or with less than ideal body moisture.