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Travelling roosters to the pit

There are as many theories about transporting cocks from Point A (your cockhouse) to Point B (the pit), as there are Polish jokes. Common sense and a basic knowledge of fowl should be your guides. Gamefowl sleep from dark until dawn, (The exception being, of course, when your mother-in-law visits. Then they crow all night.)

So, when you travel from Point A to Point B you want your fowl to obtain the maximum rest; in other words, to sleep through the trip if possible. The logical method, then, is to travel your cocks at night, allowing just enough traveling time to arrive at the pit when your cocks would normally be waking up at dawn. If you live within a four to six hour drive of the pit, and if that pit conducts its fights during the daytime, that’s exactly what you want to do.

If you insist on traveling your cocks to a pit more than 8 hours away, you must realize that you are facing a number of problems and you are placing yourself at a distinct disadvantage with the other, closer entries. If you really want to fight at Sunset and it’s 1000 miles away, my advice is:

1. Condition at the pit.

2. Fly your cocks down on a chartered plane.

3. Move to Louisiana.

If you plan to haul your cocks more than 8 hours at a stretch forget it. You are not going to compete on an equal basis with any local cocker at the pit, even if your cocks are better than his.

Ever wonder why it’s so tough to whip a guy on his own turf? Think about it. With the number of fine local pits in the country, it shouldn’t be necessary for anyone to travel that far to enter a derby.

If you fight at night, take heart. All the other entries do, too. Personally, I don’t think you gain anything by moving your cocks to the pit a day early. The fact that the cocks are in strange surroundings will nullify any advantage you achieve by hauling them at night. The best you can do is hauling them as empty as possible and hope for the best. Let me add a piece of advice here. Whenever possible, haul cocks empty or at least when their crops have been emptied. If they are traveled with feed in their crops, they will not digest this feed and it will often sour.

Premium Bloodlines
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What will be the standards

of the fighting rooster

of the future?


The Peruvian is getting popular in the Philippines. It is a different kind of rooster. It is much bigger, much taller, much stronger, although not necessarily better than the American Game fowl.


Definitely the Peruvian game fowl will change the standards of the future. In some instances it will tremendously improve the present bloodlines. On the other hand it could also ruin many good bloodlines of today.


The Peruvian has a couple of good traits vital to winning Long Knife fights. But it also has more bad traits. Finding out which are good and which are bad is the challenge.


We think just enough Peruvian blood is good. Too much Peruvian blood is bad.


We are trying to balance it out. Check out the PERUBLIZ.



Recent Posts

The Blakliz is doing good. Indeed, the Blakliz had helped Jimmy Camposano win both the EVGBA and Federation of International Gamefowl Breeders Association (FIGBA formerly NFGB) Breeder of the Year awards. But, we have to anticipate the standards of the future.

Thus we have our premium bloodlines, the Perubliz, blend of Peruvian and Blakliz and the Shuffler Blakliz, blend of Doyle Watson Shuffler and Blakliz.

Click here. 

RB Sugbo Premium Bloodlines: Your bets for tougher challenges ahead. (View video slide show.)

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