Fast forward to the past

One benefit of organics is good health and wellness, a state of physical well-being. No doubt, good health and wellness would be vital links in the overall performance of the game fowl, that’s why we at RB Sugbo Gamefowl Technology had been developing the idea of raising organic game fowl.
In the past years progress was slow. The reason: lack of organic products readily available. We learned how to produce some natural inputs but the processes proved too much a burden, in addition to the usual game fowl mana
Now, the idea of raising game fowl by bio-organic method has been boosted by the entry into the market of readily available organic, hebal and probiotic products for game fowl. Many chicken raisers have already shifted to natural and organic chicken raising, but mostly these raisers were from other chicken industries, not the game fowl.
In the wild especially in the old times, the range areas were ideal. But, now, in limited areas and near thickly populated communities, the ecosystem is suspect. The soil is contaminated. Grass, greens and plants are lacking in proper nutrients and the chickens are deprived of natural inputs and beneficial microorganisms.
A biodynamic or biological approach may help remedy the situation. This involves range area preparation, including soil improvement. Organic farming techniques such as composting and mulching, and vermiculture are incorporated in the system as well as biological amendments to the ground.
The objective is to maintain clean, fertile soil that will grow nutritious grass, greens and plants as well as beneficial microorganisms that in turn will be ingested by the chickens on the range. It is all about what they eat. After all, the advantage of ranged stags is that they are supposed to get suitable exercise and better nutrition.
The practice of Biological farming that we at RB Sugbo call Rooster Biotech is also expected to advance the advocacy calling for application of natural and organic methods in chicken raising, including game fowl.
We believe bio-organic chicken raising will not only produce better chickens and game fowl, the practice will also show that chicken raisers and sabungeros are likewise concerned with the environment and ecology—our way of sharing social and global responsibilities.
In RB Sugbo’s Rooster Biotech organic and probiotic soil solution are utilized to enhance the quality of the soil on the area where the organic game fowl were to be raised. Then organic fertilizers were applied to the plants, tress and vegetation. The purpose was to attain an ideal plant and animal relationship in the said ecosystem where the chickens would live and grow.
The area was constantly maintained with regular spraying of natural disinfectant,. This would not only kill bad bacteria but also prevent infestation of lice and other parasites
The brood cocks and brood hens were given daily supplement of probiotics and herbal products for improved health, egg laying, egg quality, immune system and to produce healthy chicks with strong system.
The chicks were given probiotics and herbals. The supplementation would continue until the stags and pullets would be harvested.
The supplementation program is made simple. Feeding could be as per your usual feeding program. What is vital component of the Rooster Biotech method are the probiotics and achieving ideal environment for chickens as far as nutrients in grass, plant, and beneficial microorganism are concerned.
With all the modern technologies available nowadays, we might yet find ourselves relying on past practices in raising chickens, except that organic products from laboratories are made readily available.
We are going fast forward to the past.