Ideas on conditioning worth keeping
Purpose of the Keep Naragansette Keep in mind that the purpose of any keep is to have a cock (1) fresh (2) alert (3) active (4) confident...
Aug 28, 2015

Better method of breeding game fowl
Why not stick to cross breeding? In game fowl breeding the safer side is cross breeding. Cross breeding is simpler, less risky, and more...
Rey Bajenting
Aug 25, 2015

How much feed to give
Of far greater importance than what you feed is how much you feed. As one old master said, "The feed cup is the key to the keep." Cocks...
Aug 24, 2015

The great secret in feeding game fowl
Learn the secret! A great American cockfighter of the great cockfighting times in USA, detailed in this article his ideas on proper...
By Naragansette
Aug 20, 2015
How to breed good traits in your bloodlines
Constanly breeding in particular traits that you like will, over time, embed these traits in your bloodlines. When individuals in the...
By Rey Bajenting
Aug 17, 2015
View Rafael Bazan's 4 fights in Sta Rosa de Lima 2015
Notably Bazan''s roosters were not much of high leapers as most Peruvians are, but they were real deadly cutters. View how this Peruvian...
Raul Roy Bajenting
Aug 16, 2015

Champion breeder talks why Peruvian Navajeros do not look all alike
Rafael Bazan is a champion breeder of Peruvian Navajeros, having won grand championships in Peru twice. He will be sharing readers his...
Raul Roy Bajenting
Aug 13, 2015

The Peruvian problem
So, the advice means: newcomers and less advanced breeders should better avoid inbreeding the Peruvians. Does it also mean it is even...
By Rey Bajenting
Aug 10, 2015

Why methods and bloodlines are better today than 50 years ago
The sport of cockfighting has existed for hundreds of years, but like most sciences, more progress has been made in the past fifty than...
by Don Blansett
Aug 7, 2015

What is the right body feel?
Cocks body feel: Heavy or "leady" versus light or "corky" By Jerry B. Lawrence 1. Both Ty and Randy told me the cocks felt a little...
By Jerry B. Lawrence
Aug 6, 2015