How game is your chicken?
How game is your chicken? What does gameness mean? Running away from a fight is a sign of lack of gameness. Yes no doubt. But not running...
Rey Bajenting
Oct 30, 2015

Travelling roosters to the pit
There are as many theories about transporting cocks from Point A (your cockhouse) to Point B (the pit), as there are Polish jokes. Common...
Don Blansett
Oct 24, 2015

Pointing proper
Pointing is a process. The process of providing the rooster all the proper environment to bring it to tip top condition. a few days...
By Rey Bajenting
Oct 22, 2015

Old bloodlines' role for the future
A year and a month ago we wrote and posted the article below about the bloodlines of Doyle Watson of Tennessee, USA. Now we, at RB Sugbo...
By Rey Bajenting
Oct 21, 2015

What's a good cutting rooster
Cutting ability is the ability to deliver blows that kill quickly. Detecting a good cutting rooster is easier said than done. Even...
Rey Bajenting
Oct 19, 2015

Alkaline loading
One by-product of the production-consumption and re-synthesis of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate, the energy currency) is concentration of...
Rey Bajenting
Oct 15, 2015

Fast forward to the past
One benefit of organics is good health and wellness, a state of physical well-being. No doubt, good health and wellness would be vital...
Rey Bajenting
Oct 11, 2015

How to detect a strong game fowl
Health is wealth. Yes even with game fowl brood cocks and hens. Only the most vigorous individuals should be used as breeders. Weaklings...
Source: Prof J.E. Price
Oct 6, 2015

Are you “scientist” or "naturalist."
Time was when the definition of game cock conditioning and pointing was so simple. We talked only about natural conditioning of game...
Roosterman E-Mag
Oct 3, 2015