How to keep game fowl safe during typhoon

In any emergency, it is always; human lives first before saving pets, animals and properties.
After securing all provisions for human safety, then we can attend to our animals.
For sabungeros and chicken raisers the safety of your flock is quiet a problem moreover, if large ones.
Here are a few tips:
Keep a stock of clean water, lots of probiotics and some antibiotics. Store feeds in safe places. You might find supply of these stuffs harder than usual after a typhoon.
Put important chickens such as brood cocks and aces in bayongs and keep them in safer places (Guard against wind, rain flood, landslide) Bayongs are cheap, can withstand rain, and occupy little space.
Keep ranged chickens in a barn or put a temporary netted area where they are safer than if they will roam around on their own and fend for themselves during the typhoon.
Secure tepees, movable pens, and other materials in the farm that could be blown away by the wind. These objects might turn into flying missiles as the typhoon rages.
Secure trees and vertical facilities. These towers might fell or collapse and cause damage to nearby structures and endanger humans and chickens.
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