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Performance of the liver affects fighting performance of the gamecock

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Why is the Liver very important organ to game fowl.

RB Sugbo GT

One key to winning cockfights lies in this organ. What is this organ that is the real powerhouse of the rooster’s physical capability?

Well, If we want our game cock to perform at his best come fight day we should stimulate and protect his liver. Why? Because, the liver is a central laboratory of a chicken's body. It is essential that this organ is kept in an excellent condition.

Here are the reasons why the performance of the liver directly affects the fighting performance of the rooster?

Liver is involved in Glycogen and glucose formation – Glycogen is an important factor in energy production. Indeed, among the objectives of conditioning and pointing the game fowl is stocking ample glycogen and glucose in the system. And glycogen is synthesised and stored in the liver. The liver forms glucose from amino acids in a process called Gluconeogenesis. The liver also converts glucose to its stored form, glycogen-- Glycogenesis . When the body requires energy, the liver reconverts glycogen to glucose and releases it to the blood --Glycogenolysis. The glycogen stored in the liver is the only readily available reserve of glucose for maintaining blood sugar within a normal level. This is important because the stored glycogen can be mobilized and utilized for energy. If called upon,the liver, under hormonal control, starts releasing the stored glycogen in the changed form of usable glucose.

This function of the liver helps dictate efficiency of energy production, and therefore also the fighting performance of the gamecock as energy is everything in fighting.

Erythropoiesis in birds is in the liver - In birds, the liver is the site for erythropoiesis, the formation of red blood cells (RBC). The liver also synthesizes hemoglobin. Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the respiratory organs (lungs or gills) to the rest of the body (i.e. the tissues) where it releases the oxygen to burn nutrients to provide energy to power the functions of the gamecock’s organs needed in fighting. It is not hard to see why the liver is vital in the promoting the fighting capability of the game cock.

Vitamin metabolism – The Vitamin B group or B complex is a very important for game cocks. Products containing B complex are the more common and popular game fowl supplements. Some members of the vitamin B group, especially B1, B2 and Niacin are metabolised in the liver, where they may also be stored. The liver also helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and released when the tissues require it. Vitamin K is utilized in the liver for the formation of prothrombin, which is required for clotting of blood in haemorrhages.

Other functions of the liver, all of which contribute to ensure a healthy fighting bird, are iron metabolism, protein metabolism, fat metabolism and of course detoxification or cleansing the body of toxic substances of feeds, as well as the toxin in the body.

The liver performs many complex functions to maintain homeostasis (harmony among all the systems of body). When the liver is affected due to any reason, efficiency of the liver comes down in detoxification and metabolic processes. This, in turn, affects the overall performance of the bird.

We know that the liver is one of the busiest organs in the body. Liver acts as a clearing house for substances that enter the body. It carries out a large number of important digestive, metabolic and excretory activities, all of which have a significant role not only on the rooster’s health but also on its fighting capabilities.

Liver is a vital organ involved in metabolism, storage, secretion, detoxification and protection. Being the central organ of metabolism, liver is always subjected to damages of various kinds. Liver stimulants and protectants are usually supplemented to support liver in detoxification and to improve the structural and functional integrity of liver cells. Fortunatey, there are liver tonics containing extract of herbal ingredients that effectively improve liver functions thus ensuring better feed utilization, energy production and gamecock’s overall fighting performance..

A good liver tonic guards the liver against various toxins, chemical drugs and toxic effect of the feed contaminants and other conditions that put the liver directly or indirectly at risk. It helps in rapid regeneration of liver tissues and cells. It stimulates sluggish liver cells and restores liver functions. It improves feed metabolism and utilization.

Now tell me, why will you fight a rooster without first ensuring that the liver is in good condition?

Watch for the coming E-book Optimum Fuel for the Gamecock. Free to members of Suregain Club. Be a member now.


Premium Bloodlines
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Definitely the Peruvian game fowl will change the standards of the future. In some instances it will tremendously improve the present bloodlines. On the other hand it could also ruin many good bloodlines of today.


The Peruvian has a couple of good traits vital to winning Long Knife fights. But it also has more bad traits. Finding out which are good and which are bad is the challenge.


We think just enough Peruvian blood is good. Too much Peruvian blood is bad.


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