Understanding gamecock supplements
Nutritional supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, meal supplements, sports nutrition products, natural food supplements, and other related products used to boost the nutritional content of the diet. Nutritional supplements are used for many purposes. They can be added to the diet to boost overall health and energy; to provide immune system support and reduce the risks of illness and age-related conditions; to improve physical performance; and to support the healing process during illness and disease. However, most of these products are treated as food and not regulated as drugs.
Like in humans, battle cock supplements may be for general purpose or may be designed to provide specialized support or to serve specific goals. Some of these consist of high-protein products, such as amino acid supplements for anabolism, while other products contain nutrients that support metabolism, energy generation, and oxygen circulation or recovery. Roosters in intense conditioning activities may have increased needs for water-soluble vitamins, antioxidants, and certain minerals, and electrolytes as well as vitamins, minerals, and performance-supporting herbs. Some supplements may offer particular benefits or are targeted for specific conditions. These products may consist of whole foods or may be isolated compounds from natural or synthetic sources. Examples include antioxidants, herbals, probiotics, digestive enzymes, or other animal products, or chemical extracts such as the hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant. A few supplements are designed not only for general well-being but to serve many specific goals. These are rare and valuable.
The science of gamecock supplementation, especially in the field of conditioning and pointing has advanced much that it is now doubtful if a relatively unprepared rooster stands a chance against a superbly conditioned one. Moreover with the advent of countless of conditioning aids and products in the market today, access to these so-called wonders is no longer a problem. You name it you get it. If you hear of a new miracle performance enhancer that reportedly is making champions out of patsies, just search the net and you will find where and how to buy it.
Nowadays, companies and enterprising individuals are riding on the popularity of game cock supplements and they make these wonder drugs available.
Gamecock supplementation, however, is not just a matter of buying the many conditioning products now available in the market. It is also a matter of understanding and knowing the products.