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The best kind of rooster exercise

I was brought up on the "100 runs 100 flies" practice of working a cock in order to strengthen his muscles, improve his wind, enable him to fight longer, and make him harder to kill. Such exercises may improve all of those desirable traits to a limited extent, but of one thing I am certain; they surely take the cut out of him! And I would rather have cutting ability than all those others combined.

I don't care how tough and strong a cock is, he can't take many shots to the lungs or underneath the wings, and keep going. And that's were a real cutting cock is going to pop him.

Accordingly, long ago I abandoned the old heavy bench work practices, and concentrated on keeping a cock fresh, loose, alert , and confident wherever he is, especially in the pit which I want him to consider his own domain. That is the principal or basis of this keep. So have it constantly in mind. It all is designed to promote cutting and confidence.

It is my conviction that 90% of a cock's strength, power and endurance comes from his inheritance in the brood yard and from his 365 day feed and care. That leaves only 10% possible improvement for the conditioner to work on with his special feed, exercise and stimulants to bring a cock up to 100% potential.

And while the upward limit is 10%, the downward limit is much greater, and I feel certain that many conditioning methods are more likely to decrease a healthy cock's chances than they are to improve them. Likewise it is my belief that a cock hits as much with his heart as he does with his feet and legs.

Accordingly, everything you can do to encourage him to put all of his heart into his punches is of more importance than any small increase in physical strength which you can give him.

Premium Bloodlines
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What will be the standards

of the fighting rooster

of the future?


The Peruvian is getting popular in the Philippines. It is a different kind of rooster. It is much bigger, much taller, much stronger, although not necessarily better than the American Game fowl.


Definitely the Peruvian game fowl will change the standards of the future. In some instances it will tremendously improve the present bloodlines. On the other hand it could also ruin many good bloodlines of today.


The Peruvian has a couple of good traits vital to winning Long Knife fights. But it also has more bad traits. Finding out which are good and which are bad is the challenge.


We think just enough Peruvian blood is good. Too much Peruvian blood is bad.


We are trying to balance it out. Check out the PERUBLIZ.



Recent Posts

The Blakliz is doing good. Indeed, the Blakliz had helped Jimmy Camposano win both the EVGBA and Federation of International Gamefowl Breeders Association (FIGBA formerly NFGB) Breeder of the Year awards. But, we have to anticipate the standards of the future.

Thus we have our premium bloodlines, the Perubliz, blend of Peruvian and Blakliz and the Shuffler Blakliz, blend of Doyle Watson Shuffler and Blakliz.

Click here. 

RB Sugbo Premium Bloodlines: Your bets for tougher challenges ahead. (View video slide show.)

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