What is the right body feel?
Cocks body feel: Heavy or "leady" versus light or "corky"
By Jerry B. Lawrence
1. Both Ty and Randy told me the cocks felt a little "leady" 2. A leady cock will feel heavy in your hands and wants to sink. A corky cock will feel light and buoyant. They can both be exactly the same weight but will feel much different in your hand. 3. A leady cock will be a little sluggish and will fight lower, in both flight and hit, but should be strong. A corky cock will be quicker and fly more easily, but may not be as strong. 4. Cocks usually start out the morning leady and become more corky in the evening. So you need to make evaluation of their state before the evening feed. 5. What you want is for cocks to feel heavy and leady and strong in the keep and then become more corky over the last few days of the keep so that right at fight time they are almost buoyant and the body feels "alive" and not "dead meat" 6. If they become corky too soon they will be weak. 7. This feeling is due to both body moisture and state of emptiness for the digestive tract. 8. You make them feel heavy be giving heavy feed, and conversely you make them come on to a corky state by reducing the amount of feed. 9. I am going to guess that you may be feeding too heavy.
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