Understanding is the key

Understanding is foundation of wisdom.
To observe, listen, learn and finally to understand form the foundation of wisdom.
Don’t automatically imitate nor reject outright what one does. But try to understand the purpose behind it. It is not the what, nor the how, which is important, but the why. In order to learn, you do not simply read, memorize and imitate. You have to understand.
Many do something because they saw, or were told, others do it. It is dangerous because many things in cockfighting apply only to particular cases, not to every situation. You might be imitating someone doing something not appli-cable to the situation you have at hand.
Therefore, it is not enough that you know of the existence of conditioning pens, fly pens, scratch boxes, the different grains and pellets, and the different vitamins and minerals. You should understand the purpose and principles behind every facility and the giving of every nutrient.
Once you learned the reasons behind the things the masters do, then you can innovate, make changes or form your own ideas. In short, you may start violating the rules.
Again remember: Breaking a rule you have already mastered is innovation. Breaking a rule you have known nothing about is ignorance.