Know if an egg is male or female?
Sabungeros have heard of ways of sexing eggs. The most popular myth is that round eggs are females and elongated eggs are males. This is...
From: Mail & Guardian
Jul 17, 2015
Fighting Maneuver: Cut and Drop
Blakliz originator Rey Bajenting (foreground in the video above) personally pits a blakliz stag. Watch this exciting fight between two...
Rey Bajenting
Jul 16, 2015

Cockfighting a continuing education
In cockfighting the more you know, the more you should know you still have a lot more to know. The biggest problem anyone can have in the...
By Rey Bajenting
Jul 15, 2015

Peruvian challenge
Many experts agree that the Peruvian is an unstable bloodline. Have you noticed Peruvian Navajeros don’t look the same and don’t fight...
By Rey Bajenting
Jul 13, 2015

Understanding is the key
Understanding is foundation of wisdom. To observe, listen, learn and finally to understand form the foundation of wisdom. Don’t...
By Rey Bajenting
Jul 10, 2015

Native chicken most popular in PH
Did you know that in the Philippines, the native chicken outnumbers broilers and layers? A report by USDA International revealed that as...
From USDA Report
Jul 9, 2015

How to hold roosters "on point"
Why the holding ration? When the rooster is already pointed what do you feed to avoid it from going over? Most of us have been taught...
By Rey Bajenting
Jul 7, 2015

Enemy in the Feed
What are we feeding our game fowl? How does it affect the performance of our fighting cocks? The contamination of feedstuffs with...
By Sheryll Sampang
Jul 5, 2015

Scientific insight into natural mating
Extension poultry scientists from the University of Georgia explain info on mating behavior that is significant to game fowl breeders....
Raul Roy Bajenting
Jul 5, 2015

Preparing for stag conditioning
Harvest time is the time of the year that breeders harvest the stags in the range. It is one of the most satisfying moments of the...
From E-Book "Guide to Practical Breeding
Jul 3, 2015